Change of Weather, Change of Plan.
Photography on location depends on appropriate weather, we had gone out to shoot some swimwear but the weather had turned grey,with a heavy overcast sky threatening a downpour.
A change of plan was needed, so I dug into my clothes/props collection that we had packed as backup and found the white top and pants that I thought would work well with the overcast tones of our new conditions.
Gillian is a great model for situations like this as she is quick to adapt and work on whatever I come up with. Alex, Gillian's brother was up from Melbourne and was on hand to help out, and was a great help as things were starting to hot up, weather wise.
This shot required Gillian to stand very still during the exposure as I wanted the wave to be blurred on impact with her. Not an easy task considering that the impact of the wave could cause her to move, and with the shutter speed at 20th of a second, the chance of her body moving and the shot not working as planned was high. I also added a little extra light from a flashgun off to the right to just add a subtle little fill light and lift the image a touch. The light from this flashgun was contoured onto her upper body only so as not to light the wave. A dangerous place to put a $1000 flash and receiver, near the water and within range of the waves ( I have lost flashguns like this before even though a plastic raincoat covered all)
Having the foresight borne from years of experience and the need to always deliver turned what looked like a disappointing swimwear shoot into another great Fashion image. As you can see the resulting image was worth all the effort.
More Fashion Photography here on my website.